Use of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, including customer information, My Associates Inc. shall clearly state the purpose of use and acquire such information in an appropriate and fair manner. My Associates Inc. will acquire personal information for the following business activities and purposes.
  1. Communications and provision of information regarding services provided by My Associates Inc.
  2. To respond to consultations and inquiries.
  3. To understand and analyze access status in order to improve services.
  4. To manage and collect information for the creation of company brochures and external presentation materials.
    *However, such information shall be processed as statistical data, and no personal information will be disclosed.
  5. Acceptance of recruitment applications and related notices

Handling of Personal Information

My Associates Inc. will accurately process any personal information provided and implement appropriate protective/safety measures to ensure the safety of personal information retained by My Associates Inc. and endeavor to prevent any loss, destruction, alteration or leaks.
For further details regarding gUse of Personal Informationh and gHandling of Personal Informationh, please see the My Associates Inc. gPrivacy Policyh.
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